Aptus All-In-One Liquid Basic Fertilizer 1 Liter

Regular price €35,25
Sale price €35,25 Regular price
Tax included.
Product description

Aptus All-in-one Liquid 1L is a unique 100% mineral liquid NPK fertilizer that is suitable for all substrates, mediums and systems. This basic fertilizer, available in a 1 liter bottle, contains all the essential elements that a plant needs, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and various micro-elements.

This fertilizer can be used from the vegetative phase to the flowering and finishing or fruit ripening phase. It is completely soluble in water and can even be used in re-circulation systems.

What makes this fertilizer truly unique is its high concentration. The standard dilution is only 1 ml per liter of feed water (1:1000), so you only need small amounts. In addition, the raw materials of this fertilizer are of high quality and it does not contain ballast salts, making the nutrients optimally absorbable by the plant.

Another advantage of the All-in-one Liquid fertilizer is that it is not pH sensitive and works in a wide pH range. In addition, the measured EC value has a direct relationship with the real EC value, because there are no ballast salts and chlorides that can cause a loss of EC value.

This fertilizer is not only friendly to the medium, but also prevents excess precipitation of nutrient salts and has no negative impact on soil life. It can also be easily combined with the APTUS boosters and stimulators. By using the right APTUS Booster per stage of plant development you can fine-tune the fertilization and ensure a stable nutrient flow to the plant.

The All-in-one Liquid fertilizer can be used on various medium types, such as soil, coconut, hydro-media and soil-less. It is also suitable for a broad spectrum of crops, ranging from root, tuber and bulb crops to fruits, flowers and potted and bedding plants.

This fertilizer is available in different packages, ranging from 50 to 5000 ml. It is produced in the Netherlands and available in the EU. In short, Aptus All-in-one Liquid is the ideal fertilizer that can be used from start to finish in the plant cycle. It is one liquid for all mediums.